Exam Center Swiss Midlands

Linguaskill Business

Important day at the Exam Center Swiss Midlands of HKV Aarau. For the first time ever, the new Cambridge exam ‘Linguaskill Business’ was held at our Exam Center.
Linguaskill Business is the next generation exam. It tests ability in Business English and replaces the well-known BEC examinations. Finally, it provides learners with a certificate that proves they have the right skills to succeed in the workplace. As the Linguaskill Business Certificate is recognised by leading corporations around the world, it will also give them an advantage in gaining employment.

Perfectly organized by Janet Otero, COO of our Exam Center Swiss Midlands, and conducted by our partner Derrick Kerley, Director of Cambridge English Languages, St.Gallen, the online exam session was a great success, as we have gained lots of valuable experiences for future exams for large groups of students of HKV Aarau.


We were also honored to receive Douglas Currie, Learning and Assessment Consultant at Cambridge Assessment, at our school. He came to observe the exams and get feedback from the test takers of HKV Aarau.


From the bottoms or our hearts, we want to thank our vocational baccalaureate students. After successfully finishing the Work Experience Program in Dublin a couple of weeks ago, they were ready to be the trailblazers for our school and be the first students of HKV Aarau to sit the Linguaskill Business Exam. This is fantastic. A big thank you goes to Luca Röthlin, Leandra Vivien Fehr, Isabel Kälin, and Marie-Eve Kneller.

Linguaskill Business
Linguaskill Business

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